Bike Rides & BBQ

If you’ve ever gone on a mission trip, you know that it’s an event that can’t really be described, only experienced. It’s  a bizarre mix of preparedness and spontaneity. It always serves as a reminder of that the Holy Spirit truly is present in the community.

I’ve been on a few mission trips in my time serving the community, but this was my first experience leading one. We were instructed to lead an HHLT ( Household Leader’s Training), Household proper, and a mid-year planning all in the span of a day and a half. With just a three person team, it was a lot to tackle, and with less than a day of planning, I knew this was going to be a long two days, but I never like to turn down a challenge, so I was excited to take it on.

After a five-hour car ride to Windsor, we settled down and began planning for the two days ahead of us. It soon dawned upon me that with so few hands, I as a team leader would end up being playing many roles, music min, worship leader, session speaker, facilitator, and so much more. I’m usually a person who loves to do things spontaneously, but the as the household progressed I found myself jumping between so many roles I often lost what I was even supposed to be doing. Needless to say a little more than stressful, but by God’s grace, we got through it. As we stopped to catch our breath and  braced ourselves for two more events to come, our CC’s mentioned that there was a youth was celebrating their birthday with a barbeque, and the invitation was open to all of us. We were running on a tight schedule, so naturally, we were hesitant at first, but we definitely needed a break, so we decided to take them up on the offer.

We arrived at the party and were surprised to be greeted with warm welcomes and smiles, and after some short introductions, the CC’s left to go catch up with each other, and the youth were left to simply just play in the backyard. Despite being at a party I still couldn’t relax, on the back of my mind was all of the work that was still needed to be done, but something kept urging me to let loose. It’s amazing how fellowship doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s the simplicity of just spending time together, and really goes to show how the Lord’s love is simple. Never before had the simpleness of playing sports, and riding bikes around a neighbourhood been so much fun. We played games, ate food and laughed for what felt like hours. I experienced a joy that took me back to my early days in the community as a member. It was a reminder of how far the Lord has taken me, and how much more he has yet to reveal to me.  As the day winded down we watched the sun set I decided to take one last bike ride around the block. As I rode through the empty streets(with my helmet of course) and looked up at the painted sky, I felt an unexplainable peace, and in my heart, I heard the Lord say, “Trust me”, and “I will take care of You”.

It was a stark reminder that I am loved and taken care of so well, but I am not in control. The mission doesn’t really need us, but rather we need the mission. We are doing the Lord’s work, this is his vineyard, and we are but the workers. The work that we do helps us to better see God and know Him, and ultimately to better love Him and share His love. Sometimes however amidst the busyness of life, we like to desire that sense of control, but it’s only in surrendering to God and allowing Him to take care of us that we can truly do what He has set in place. Serving is the act of servanthood, which in its simplest form is submitting to God’s will. I pray that I can truly trust the Lord in all things, surrendering to Him all that I do because with Him all things are possible.

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13
