Simple Reminder

It’s 6AM. I woke up this early, I think my body thinks its time for work. But let me tell you, God is good. ~

I am amazed and grateful with how much the Lord has been there for me, especially in the past year. To give you a summary…I entered my second year as an MV and sector youth head. I finally became active in all my discernments, not just for mission. Conducted Windsor’s first camp in almost 3 years. I attended this year’s YFC International Conference. I went to the Philippines without my family for the first time ever. I served as program head for the Eastern TNC, a first for me as well. Lived as a Montreal-an for two weeks. Lastly, I finally took that next step.

I have this tendency of putting so much on myself, especially when its about an unfavourable outcome. There was so much to look forward to, but then a detour comes along. Initially, I had felt crushed that it didn’t go my way. But, I am reminded that it was and is never about my way taking precedence over God’s. And so, I knew for a fact that this setback will lead to something even greater.

As I look back on these victories, on these God moments, on these moments of grace. I can’t help but be in awe of how much it was God’s doing and not my own. To finally take that next step, took me so long just to even lift a muscle, but then for all of it to happen in 6 months? Thank You. To experience the fullness of this community, you need to go to ICON, that’s what I’ve always thought. And somehow I was able to go. Thank You. To conduct the program at ETNC, to conduct the camp in Windsor, to see growth in the sector, all of it not because of me. Thank You.

As I look back, I also remember the setbacks, the detours and struggles through each victory. Times where I felt like giving up or running away. Times of self-doubt. But time and time again, I moved forward hoping in the Lord. Literally, everything I did was surrendered to the Lord. I knew I could not do this by my own will, but His alone. Rather than seeing these setbacks as “No”, the Lord revealed to me that they were more of “Not yet” and He wanted to test my patience and trust in Him. And my goodness, was it worth it going at His time.

Thank You, Lord. No matter how many times I repeat it and say it, it will never be enough to express how grateful I am for all You’ve given me. I entrust to You these last 5 months, and of what is to come.

