Time Alone

“Spend as much time as possible in front of the Blessed Sacrament and He will fill you with His strength and His power.”- Saint Teresa

It’s been a while since my last visit in Adoration Chapel. If I’m not mistaken its already more than two weeks, its because I got so busy this past few weeks, school exams, vacation, work and some other activity. And I feel so bad because I get so comfortable within those weeks that I didn’t visit him and talk to Him alone in adoration. I usually visit adoration once a week or as much as I can,we talked about my day, if I’m happy, my stress, my problems, usually everything but the saying is true if were so happy or so pre-occupied with lots of things we forgot to talk to him.

When I enter the adoration chapel the feeling is so light, it feels like I’m home. I realized that I have so many story already for Him, yes for sure He knows everything what happen to me but still talking to Him like were siting together and having our personal conversation makes me realized that I should do it frequently like before no matter how busy my schedule. If no one can understand you, for sure He will, with all my question in life and sometimes complaint, He listen to me and never get annoyed with all of it. Its my intimate time with him,but I forgot to do because of prioritizing other stuff. Its a small white host sitting on the the table in front of us but its Jesus Christ who loves us unconditionally and always waiting for us to visit Him and talk to Him. For me I missed Him,I miss being with him and I miss talking to Him.Saint Teresa of Calcutta once quoted,

“To be alone with Jesus in adoration and intimate union with Him is the Greatest Gift of Love-the tender love of Our Father in Heaven.”  

 Heavenly Father, give me the strength and courage to spend more time visiting and talking to you. I want to be more intimate with you, because I know you love me and I want to give back this greatest love.Help me to always moved my feet towards your home and sit with you, because I desire to be with forever and ever.Amen


