Loving Through Actions

I woke up from a nap one day to a text from my counterpart asking if i wanted to go to the gym. My initial thought was NO WAY! I haven’t been to a gym in years so I knew this was out of my comfort zone. But, I also knew how much this would mean to him. Half an hour later, there I was in a gym holding my admission card while breathing sweaty gym air and my counterpart with a big smile saying ‘this is monumental.’

I remember being on the elliptical for a long and tiring 30 minutes, counting down every minute. I thought ‘why am i doing this? I didn’t want to do this, but yet I am here.’ But despite the tiredness or uncomfortability, I was simply reminded of how much Christ loved others through His actions. Whether it be physically going to visit a sick person or by carrying the cross during His passion, Jesus knew that the fruit of His actions would be love.

Loving others goes beyond our words. It is shown greatly through our actions. I am reminded of a quote from No Greater Love by Mother Teresa:

“True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy.”

Lord, give me the grace to love others as extravagantly as you did.