The Miracle of Banana From Heaven

It is almost a year now since our first 3-day backpacking and camping trip to Yoho National Park. We were so excited planning and preparing as it was our first time doing it. We readied our hiker bags, tent, water bags, hiking poles, sleeping bags, food and drinks – you name it! We tried to pack all the necessary things that we will need in our 3 days journey.

There were 4 of us who went. We were all geared up with our appropriate hiking wear and tools. We had our hiking poles with us giving us a push when going up a steep climb and giving us support walking down the slope especially with the heavy loads we have on our back. We relied on map and signs on the trail to lead us to our destination. We had stops for snacks and water, bowel and bladder break, or quickly catch a breath from the steep hike. It was tiring but more so fun especially with the company that we had. The stories, insights about life, and just silly/non-sense conversations kept us going in our journey. When one of us is having difficulty with the load we carry, we took turns in helping out carry the heavy load or we all just rest for a moment. And we enjoyed, ate, played games, shared stories, and rested in preparation for the following day’s hike.

I thought I was all prepared. It turned out I forgot to bring multivitamins and some fruits that will help replenish potassium that I was losing from the hike but most especially because I was also taking a pill that is supposed to make me urinate a lot. On our 2nd day of hike with still about an hour to the peak, I was giving up. I was feeling very weak. I felt numb to my extremities. I knew something was wrong and I was not feeling very well. I stopped and literally just dropped my body to the ground and rested for a while. All that I needed in that moment was a miracle or I would have died. I prayed for strength to be able to make it to the next camp site. I prayed that hopefully we’ll meet hikers along the way who could help us. I prayed that when we reach the next destination our neighboring campers would have fruits or multivitamins that they could spare some to me. I was praying for a miracle.

My friends continued to encourage me to walk. They helped me carry some of my load. So I stood up and continued walking to the peak. The boost from my friends helped a lot for me to reach the peak. And behold, at the peak, was the site of a piece of banana on top of a stone pillar. We were all jumping for joy! It was a miracle! Along with our jumping and rejoicing was the snow falling from the skies. It reminded us of the scene from Exodus when the Israelites rejoiced when manna fell down from the heavens to satisfy their hunger! The banana was my manna from heaven. I slowly ate the banana and appreciated how precious that fruit was. I felt the difference in my body right away. I knew the potassium in my body got replenished. I was able to push till the end of our journey. I have experienced a miracle!

Every time I look back on that backpacking at Yoho, I am reminded of Session 10 of the Christian Life Program of CFC Singles for Christ, which is the talk about “Growing in the Holy Spirit.” I am reminded of the 5 spokes of the wheel, which are the tools to help us truly live a Spirit-filled Christian life.

Prayer. Scripture. Sacraments. Fellowship. Service.

Prayers are hiking poles giving us a push when things are getting difficult and giving us support when we feel pressed by the heavy loads we carry. Scripture is the map and signs on the trail that gives us the right direction in our journey towards life with Christ. Fellowship is the presence of our friends, brothers and sisters, family and the community that support us and journey with us. Service is when we help our brothers and sisters carry their loads when times get overwhelming. Sacraments are the food for our soul. The Holy Eucharist is the living body and blood of Christ that will sustain us as we journey towards life eternal in heaven.

To me personally, the miracle of the banana from heaven will be a constant reminder to partake of my most essential need – The Holy Eucharist.

“Tantum Ergo”

Down in adoration falling,
Lo! the sacred Host we hail,
Lo! oe’r ancient forms departing
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith for all defects supplying,
Where the feeble senses fail.

To the everlasting Father,
And the Son Who reigns on high
With the Holy Spirit proceeding
Forth from each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might and endless majesty.

R. Thou hast given them bread from heaven.
V. Having within it all sweetness.

Let us pray: O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament left us a memorial of Thy Passion: grant, we implore Thee, that we may so venerate the sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood, as always to be conscious of the fruit of Thy Redemption. Thou who livest and reignest forever and ever.


Published by

Aldin Francis Canobas

“Veritas et Amor vincit – Truth and Love conquers.”