
Long time no see (??…read?? idk lol).

Back at it again, an attempt to return back to this. Almost 6 months since my last post, and 6 months of so many things that have happened. (Don’t worry I journaled all those moments, so I won’t forget hehe).

But let’s start with this first,

The ways of the Lord are not comfortable. But we were not created for comfort, but for greatness.

– Pope Benedict XVI

Magnanimity, which means “greatness of soul,” is a virtue wherein we pursue all that is great and honourable in the eyes of God, even if it is difficult. Don’t mistake this as an antonym of humility, don’t worry I did at first, but look at it as using all the gifts and abilities God has given you and using all of it as best as you can. An acknowledgement that all that we have is from God, and thus for God.

I know of my talents, and it is quite a lot (not bragging at all, just making a point lol). But rather than using all these gifts and abilities to the best of my ability, I would only meet halfway on many of these things. Satisfied with only good, and not great. Mostly because I didn’t want to stand out fully and meet all the hard work that came with it, or risk any sort of failure…I wanted to be comfortable in what I was doing. As I’m reflecting on this note, I am beginning to see just how often I do this. Not only in the big things, but even in the small things much like these blog posts/reflections. I know I can do these, however its something that I don’t usually do, putting myself out there especially on a medium and platform such as this where everyone can read it. And in doing so, I had this made-up expectation to make sure I had to have epic reflections, thought-provoking notes, and insane punchlines/one-liners. But when I slowly came to realize that that wasn’t coming easy, I easily fell off from writing. Afraid of not writing great posts and not willing to risk it.

As a matter of fact, until just recently, I’ve somewhat taken that convenient pathway in my journey as a Mission Volunteer. A path where I was comfortable with the problems I face in the West Sector or Windsor, comfortable with just going to work then a meeting then go home, comfortable with basically everything. But in these past 2 months, the Lord had shaken me again as if I had been daydreaming the 4 months prior. And so, with our MV teaching night on magnanimity, I am reminded as to why things aren’t going according to plan recently, or why its been a difficult and tiring 2 months. Because just as Mother Teresa said, “We are called to be faithful, not successful,” so too has the Lord challenged me to stay faithful regardless of where I find myself.

And so, let’s not take this post as a reset, a start from square one, but let’s take it as a “Nice to see you again!”.

My name is Ohmar Jericho Rivera, 22 years old and a mission volunteer for Couples for Christ. As I share my ongoing journey, I hope that you pray for me as I continue on this journey, just as I pray for you.

