I am officially Yours.

“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.”- Henry Martin

Last weekend we went for a mission in Fort McMurray to help them in their Knights Tale/Princess Diaries Retreat. This is our first mission (MV Applicants Alberta) and honestly we are so excited to do this mission. We drove from Calgary to Fort McMurray, but its a travel of a lifetime. Lots of memories and story to share.

During the whole weekend its a spirit filled experience, how we spend time with our SFC Brothers in Fort Mc, our new Sir Knights. We meet them only that day but it feels like we are already brothers for a long time. Its nice to see that theres lots of brothers who wants to be the knights of God, a Knights who is willing to fight for what he believed and for his King. A knights who have this Desire to Love, Desire for Adventure and Desire to Battle, desire’s that He wants for us so we can live a life in His likeness.

“And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS.”- Rev 19:16 

As modern knights we should not forget who is our king, the one who we serve, and the one who we fight for. Are we ready to pick up our sword and fight for Him, to be sent in the battle for our faith? But sometimes the hardest battle is within us, ourselves.

Sunday during that weekend we attend the Ordination of Deacon Jestoni and attended the mass at the same time. God is full of surprises he really wants me to go to Fort McMurray to witness this kind of event. I wanna cry that time, I don’t know why its hard to explain but I know I wanna cry not because Im sad but because of joy. Joy because Im happy for Deacon Jestoni even though I don’t know him. During his Thank You speech this are the words that struck me the most, stays in my mind until now and digging into my heart:

 I am no longer belong to myself, I am no longer belongs to my family…Now I am yours, I am belong to the people of God, I am officially yours…..-Deacon Jestoni.

Its an eye opener for me and a challenge because we are called to serve the Lord,we are here on earth to serve others and not only for ourself. When I commit myself as Household Head, I am also no longer belongs to myself nor to my own family but I am now belong to my brothers and sister in the community, to the people around me and most especially to my household member. And by offering your self to others is a sign of submitting your life to the Lord.  Yes its a sacrifice but a sacrifice that is pleasing to God. Deacon Jestoni is an inspiration to me how he surrender everything and he offered himself, accepting the calling and going for the mission the Lord wants for him.

Heavenly Father in the world that is full of happiness, give us the heart that is willing to listen to you. Give us the courage to accept you in our heart and surrender everything. Make us like you who suffer and died because of your Love on us. Grant us the heart that is ready to serve not only ourselves but also for your people.Amen

Are we capable of giving ourself for others? Or we still thinking about our own comfort. Are we ready to say I AM OFFICIALLY YOURS?