Lord, give me an involuntary muscle for praying

Everyday I still have to decide that I am going to read the bible and talk to God. It is still not automatic for me to reach that state of prayer where I can just focus immediately to the Lord, to talk and listen to Him.  Although there is already a pattern or routine or certain process that helps me to be one with Him, the very first step of deciding to pray is still an everyday decision to make.

I asked the Lord one time (since I always have a constant longing for Him) to make the act of prayer an output of an involuntary muscle. According to biology-online an involuntary muscle is a “type of muscle that is not consciously controlled by an organism and reacts ‘involuntarily’ to nerve system signals” I was thinking that it will be good for me if there is that muscle that will automatically tell my whole being to pray and I will be right away praying. In this way I will not miss a second of my prayer time, I don’t have to settle myself, I don’t have to stop what I am doing, I don’t have to think about it, and most of all I will not have to decide to pray coz it will just happen.

However in my prayer time, this is not the case. When things are involuntary we forget that we have it and sometimes forget how important it is. The Lord reminded me that being in a relationship is a personal experience. Everyday is a unique encounter of /with Him because everyday is a new revelation of Him. The everyday decision to pray is a decision to choose God everyday. He wants me to choose Him because He doesn’t enforce anything on me. It is only in this decision to pray that I am growing in my faith and act accordingly to glorify Him.


“Lord you are great and magnificent! You are full of wisdom and might. I thank you for waiting for me especially when I still have to decide to pray. Thank you for always listening to me and talking to me. Thank you for constantly revealing Yourself to me. Teach me Lord to be strong and firm enough to call on You when it is hard to pray. May I always consciously seek you everyday. Amen”


Candy (Philippians 1:29)