Memories, Jesus Experience(s) and Faith


Have you ever been through a life experience that is so great, that it feels utterly impossible to translate this awesomeness into actual words?  Such was my month in the Philippines…where when looking back, all that’s left are Memories: memories of worshipping in a crowd of thousands of youth, being in awe of God’s creation in crystal blue waters, and uniting (in some way) with Christ’s suffering through physical exhaustion, hiking in bat caves of Sagada…plenty and plenty of Memories.

Having studied in Languages, it inwardly troubles me when I can’t find the right Words to express things, and articulate sentences.  “What really was God ‘s message for me over the month?”, a question I’ve been pondering during my prayer time for almost almost two weeks of being back home.  It wasn’t until I listened to a homily at our MCG tonight that the Lord provided some clarity:

“If our minds and hearts are always overflowing with memories of God, no matter what the devil does, your heart and mind will not easily be swayed because it is full, filled with the memories of God.” -Cardinal Tagle

Before going to the Philippines, I was facing a lot of Big Questions on life and the mission, a lot of which I still don’t have a lot of the Answers for.  However, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ve lived, over the month, so many Jesus Experiences, where I felt (the heat of the Son), heard (all the inspired speakers), smelt (fresh ocean water) , breathed (the fresh air of Baguio) and even tasted (Razon’s Halo Halo) God’s awesome love for me.

It’s true…God sometimes doesn’t need to communicate in Words; being in front of Love Himself is enough to melt away every anxiety and question…His overwhelming Presence becoming the only Answer. El Roi, the “God who sees”, knowing us intimately, gazing into our soul and filling every known corner with light…

…there will always be something that can question our His Personal Mission for us, but an Experience with One who sends us…now that’s unquestionable.

“Faith is the substance (Memories, Jesus Experiences) of things hoped for, the proof of things unseen.” Heb 11:1 (news translation by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in Encyclical Spe Salvi). 

Faith: if all I hope for is experiences with Him, if all I seek is Him, than I will always be found, because it is a certainty that He always meeting me wherever I am.

Lord, thank you for all the the Jesus Experiences I’ve known in the past month.  Direct my wandering feet by simply walking with me closely, Jesus.  May You inspire every decision, and take possession of my every worry. Amen.




Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!