


I thought I knew what busy was…until I came to Manila.

clock-160966_960_720I have been in the Philippines for the past month (34 day to be exact) and am currently going through my training for full time missionary work. Let me just emphasize on FULL TIME.

Full. Time.

The days seem to pass by really quickly since the moment we entered the GMC (Global Mission Center). My batch mates and I have been immersed in the life of a full time worker, going through meetings, lectures, events, ICON preparations and much, much more. Today, as I was looking at all of the deliverables in my monthly planner, I noticed that the Lord has given me so many experiences to encounter him. I realized that every day is filled with “to-do’s” and deadlines.

Amidst the busy days and the HEAT, I have been able to reflect on my daily experiences and I realized that the mission of the Lord never stops. When we say full-time work, it really means to be a missionary 24/7. It doesn’t end once we leave the Mission Center, we don’t have a day off, we don’t just “leave work at work”. Being a full time missionary means that we are on mission when we are commuting home, when we are at work or at school, when we are listening to a friend share about their victories or their struggles, when we are with our family, 24/7when we are walking down the street to 711, when we are smiling at someone, when we are asked to place chairs at an assembly and even when we are saying hello to the guard. In all instances we are missionaries. As Christians, we have every  opportunity to be witnesses of Christ’s love. Let’s not waste it!

Thank you Lord for the gift of mission, to love and serve You more in all that we do and all that we are. May you bless our hands and our plans, may they always be according to your will. May you send us the graces that we need in order to Glorify you in all that we do. Amen

Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless