Thy will be done

As you may already know, one of my crazy dreams is to change the world. Sounds cliché but I can say that I’m extremely blessed to be placed in an environment that allows me to do so on a daily basis. I work at a non-profit daycare centre that’s heavily involved in providing services to help disadvantaged families by ensuring quality child care. The daycare is only one of the many services that is provided for the family, being a small (but just as important) party of a huge network with endless resources for parents. I was recently given the opportunity to join a team that runs special projects to increase the quality of services for children, families and staff. This is one of the small ways that I can slowly “change the world”, by helping and serving the families that need it the most!

My passion for working with children is what’s been driving me closer and closer to God. Whether it be in my studies, in my career, or in my service, He always brought me where the children were. Knowing, loving and serving children means knowing, loving and serving their families. It means that families play an integral part of the development and well-being of the child.

Serving in Couples for Christ for the past 10 years made me understand how important that is. Whether or not the Lord wants me to be a full time pastoral worker, or a full time early childhood educator, I know that one thing is for sure — I will love and serve Him through the children and the family.

Embarking on this new and exciting (but also challenging) journey, I was very nervous and hesitant. What about my discernment in the mission volunteer program? Many what-ifs were being thrown around in my mind but I couldn’t help but ask myself “what if this IS part of my discernment?” The Lord has great plans for me, I just need to discover them! At this point, I can only surrender myself to Him. Wherever the Lord wants me to be, I will go! Lord, lead the way!

Heavenly Father, thank you for all that you have given me so far. Thank you for the challenges, the  trials and fear, for they allowed  opportunities of growth, mercy and patience. Thank you for stretching my heart and helping me understand and discover the plans you have set for me. Lord, please use me to do your will here on earth, may I do it joyfully and with complete obedience. Help me O Loving Mother, to imitate your obedient and pure heart. 

Thy will be done.

Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless