Season of change

img_3560My favourite season is fall! I enjoy the colder weather (yes for layering!), the warm coffee, the blanket scarves, the boots, the colour, the change.

Today at work, I brought my class to play in the backyard. We like to call it the forest because we are blessed to have many trees there.  The children and I stopped to examine this particular tree because it was aesthetically pleasing and also because we noticed that it was already red, yellow and orange, while the other trees were still green and slowly changing to yellow.

Reflecting on this simple experience, it made me admire the season of change. Autumn is a season of change. It’s a time to prepare and collect our harvest so that we can endure the long and harsh winter months. It is a time to prepare ourselves for what’s ahead but to also enjoy the changes we are currently experiencing.

I attended daily mass last week and receiving the Eucharist every day really helped me to change. I mean, every time we receive Him through this Sacrament we are never supposed to be the same but sometimes we take it for granted and we don’t realize that we walk out of mass changed. We are walking Tabernacles and we are called to be and bring Him wherever we are. If Christ is within us, then we cannot help but change. We can’t help but be transformed by his love and his grace.

In this season of change, I realized that my prayers are no longer the same, that my intentions are constantly changing and the number people I am praying for is always increasing. I realize that my heart is changing because of the every day blessings and the every day reminders of how much He loves me. I’m realizing (…more like accepting) that Jesus really brings me joy and love (lots of it!)  and that I do want to change because I want to prepare my heart for Him and his will.

I’m enjoying this season of change and I’m looking forward to how much I’ll love tomorrow!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the abundance of blessings and love you continually give me. Thank You for allowing me to receive your Son in a very intimate way. I pray,  Lord, that you humble my heart so that I can experience the fullness of your love as I go on with the changes in my life. Grant me the grace to endure it and most specially to enjoy it.  Amen. 


Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless