Summation of Efforts

helping-hand(June 24, 2016)

The formula seems easy enough: be kind, recycle, smile and help others etc. Philanthropic actions often seem worth it, however on some days we can question if we really are making a difference. Recently we heard about the club massacre in Orlando, or the ongoing wars in the Middle East and the increasing unnecessary poverty margins.

The news and media can make it seem as if there is no hope, and that the scales are continually weighed down. You can start to rethink any time you’ve volunteered, the good acts you’ve accomplished or all the prayers you’ve offered up. But I believe our efforts are two-fold:

  1. In trying to change the world, all our small actions in turn change ourselves into better people.
  1. All the small actions do add up. Even the smallest act of kindness can inspire one person and change a heart. This begins a ripple effect on others, where the summation of our small efforts can create change on a whole and for the greater good.