
There are instances when my past mistakes come to mind. Sometimes I intentionally think of them, because by doing so, I noticed I become more patient, understanding and wanting to help others rather than judge their actions. Sometimes they come as an encouragement for myself, “Ting, you did a good job turning away from those things”.


I have learned to teach myself and encourage others to do what is right by Heaven’s standard and not what is easy by the standard of the world.


When I am asked how to forget a wrongdoing that caused too much pain and is impossible to forget even after hearing confession, I always say, I do not know because I do remember too! and besides going to confession is our way of acknowledging before God we made a mistake, not necessarily to forget things. But I praise the Lord for allowing me to remember, because of those memories I also am reminded of God’s grace to humanity. Because He is love, He will keep loving us. The memory is there but LOVE takes the pain away, then the memory becomes both a lesson and a reminder of our destiny, Heaven, a place where we are all invited to see by conforming our ways to The way, The truth and The life.