World Changers

Last Saturday, Kids for Christ participated in their 7th Global Day of Service. We collected used clothes and home items and gathered them in several bags. We walked from our venue (Our Lady of Fatima Parish) to our local non-profit organization, called Renaissance. There, our used goods are re-used, re-invested in the community and they also provide work to help sustain individuals and their families.

My biggest blessing is seeing the youth so involved in making sure that the kids understand why we are doing this and what will happen to the items they donated. It’s always amazing for me to see young people being and bringing Christ to little kids. If there’s anything you need to know about me, it’s that I love kids! I have a huge passion for helping young children discover the world and to be able to bring them closer to Jesus is a dream come true.

Our world is filled with beautiful things and people but nowadays, we see the ugly and the evil happening around us. I believe that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside (shout out to Ms. Houston). A little cliche, I know, but I really believe that our younger brothers and sisters have the power to change the world we will live in tomorrow.

However, I wished that more brothers and sisters throughout all the ministries can realize that they can also be part of this beautiful opportunity to shed Christ’s light to others. But this inspired me to be hopeful for the future. The joy the kids spread whenever I encounter them can only lead me to share it to others. Global day of service does not have to be a once a year event. It should be be everyday. We should acknowledge the greatness of Our God and be willing to share it to others every day of our lives.

Lord God, I thank you for the abundance of resources made available to me. I lift up to you all the kids and their families, that that may be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be world changers. That you continue to transform their hearts into the servants you want them to be. I pray that you can grace me with more humility in giving my time, talents and treasures to my brothers and sisters who need it. Help me to love you more by loving the people you love. I pray for those who might not know you yet, that you may use me to spread your Light to them. Amen.


Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless

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