Humble my heart, O Lord

“Do not fear beloved. Peace! Take courage and be strong.” When he spoke to me, I grew strong and said “Speak to me my Lord, for You have strengthened me” (Daniel 10:19)

Humble my heart, O Lord!
To accept things as they are, to not doubt nor question Your will
Soften my heart, O Lord
That I may let go of all anger deep in me
all the pride that consumes me
all the anxiety that makes me restless
Humble me, O God
that I may accept the justice I deserve
that I may accept all the things You have planned for me
Attune my heart with Yours O Lord
to be free and be the master of my own emotions
to love my neighbours the way You have loved me
to forgive others, O God the way you easily forgive all my sins
to have a heart as big as Yours, that never fails to give love to others, most especially those who needed them
Strengthen me Lord, that I may be able to follow Your will
Bless me with a servant’s heart, O Lord

with this I humbly pray, in Your name. Amen.