Make you feel My love

(August 24, 2016).

My recent reflections has been about experiencing the Lord’s mercy time and time again.

If there is something I learned in my journey as mission volunteer, it’s that the Lord will always take care of me. He took care of me before I entered the program, for the last couple of months, and He will certainly continue to take care of me. I will never be able to understand how much He loves me but I’m grateful and feel extremely blessed.

Despite all of my sins and all of my shortcomings, I continue to feel the Lord’s love and mercy in every aspect of my life.

All He asks of us is to trust in Him and to turn to Him always. No matter what, the Lord will love me and will make me feel his love.

Jesus, I trust you. I love you.


Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless