Gracious God

(July 25, 2016).

The Lord meets us wherever we are.

When you feel unworthy and distant, when you no longer feel the Lord around you, all you’ve got to do is stop.

I keep running and running, looking for the Lord in places and in people and trying to fill my heart with “God moments” but really all I’m doing is running in circles. When I finally got tired, my heart was pulling me towards confession.

Lo and behold, the Lord knows my heart more than I do. He just wanted me to stop running and looking for Him because He was always there. He was there in the first place. He never left me.

“Salvation is home in your heart”, Father Charles said.
“Jesus wanted you to come to Him today, and you met him today in the sacrament of reconciliation.”

He knows. He knew I was looking for Him, and I found Him.Or He found me.

Lord, I’m not worthy, but you died for me 
Sinful as I am, You’ve forgiven me
Here I am embraced by your love

Lord, thank you for being so gracious.



Published by

MJ Ramos

A sister from Montreal, QC. Please pray for me, that I [Marie-Joyce] in the Lord always. God bless