Year of Firsts

Hello! It’s been so long. I have a lot to post but I’ll start with this for now!

I’m going onto my 3rd month of Full Time Pastoral Work here in the Metro region for CFC-Youth.

I can tell you right now that this has been the best year of my life. So much has happened already and in fact everything I’ve been up to has been the first time I’ve encountered that service role, responsibility, situation etc etc.

When I reflect on it, I already had titled this year as the year I would be receiving so much from the Lord…

Crazy to think that the more that I am willing to give to the Lord, no matter how hard it was, it is in those moments where I have received the most. 

From saying yes to Full Time Missions and living in the Philippines for 3 months, travelling to Singapore for SFC International Conference, to leading program for the first time at any conference, to giving my first talk ever at a conference of any sort, to being an event head for a national leaders summit, to saying yes to the growing Liveloud mission tool and music ministry in Canada, leading a workshop committee and leading my first kids praise at a KFC Family Conference to planning a mission exchange between the US and Canada for the first time…

I’m not listing these things as if I was writing out a resume but I look at these victories and victories to come as a testimony that our yes is so much bigger than ourselves. 

But it wasn’t just saying yes. It was also growing my relationship with the Lord through my prayer time. These opportunities to serve are simply a reminder that in our relationship with Him, He always speaks first and that in order to listen we need to be in conversation with Him. We need to have moments of silence with Him.

We remember those moments to why we joined our Youth Camp, to joining our first CLP, etc etc. We said yes not because of whatever reason/people brought us there, it is because He wanted to start His relationship with us.

So don’t be afraid if it is your “first” time in a new service role or encountering a new situation where your faith will be put out there because again, God uses these times to build our relationship with Him. 

No matter what happens even if it is your “first” time, there will never be a last time that you will be loved by the Lord. Again, when we say yes to what the Lord presents, you will always be guaranteed growth. You will always be loved by Him. There is always something to receive the more you give. 

Protect your prayer time!

Deo Gloria