Even When it Hurts

Take this mountain weight
Take these ocean tears
Hold me through the trial
Come like hope again

Even when the fight seems lost
I’ll praise You
Even when it hurts like hell
I’ll praise You
Even when it makes no sense to sing
Louder then I’ll sing Your praise


It’s already been a long week and the week just started. I guess I can share with you that my family will be flying to Philippines today for the funeral of my grandmother’s sister. Please pray for her soul and the safe travels of my family!

My reflection this week comes from the experience of not being able to be there with my family during this time, specifically with my grandmother.

It hurts. I’m not talking about the hurt of the passing of my grandmother’s sister because I am affirmed of God’s plans and am sure that He is in total control of everything going on.

But I am talking about the hurt of my family. That helplessness feeling especially because as a Full Time Pastoral Worker, theres ALWAYS something you can do.

But this is a reminder that through all hurt, all suffering, it is only more of a reason to trust the Lord because in these experiences of brokenness, of the doors being torn down in our hearts, comes an opportunity for God to once again be the architect, the repairman and the one who will move into our hearts which He will call His home. 

These situations is where we are humbly reminded that we should come before the Lord who is going to once again bless us, bless our families, bless those who are suffering.

Prayer counts. Have hope in the One who has given you life for the past how many years of all your life. Let the Lord be a source of joy for all and in these situations, let grace abound through communicating with the one with unlimited grace. 


Deo Gloria