Not just sacrifice

As FTPWs, we have a consistent coordination meeting every Monday morning. This meeting consists of a teaching (where FTPWs are assigned to give in rotation) and/or updates, announcements, prayer intentions, etc. Wherever we are, we connect through the gift of technology (usually using the handy dandy GOTO meeting app), which is such a blessing… and … we blessed to sometimes have special guest speakers who join us and give the teaching.

During the past teaching on Monday, I was hit and inspired with something the guest speaker had said, which was, “If we think that whatever we are doing is ONLY a sacrifice, then we need to think again…” Then, he further went on to say, “Instead of thinking about our service to the Lord as only a sacrifice, but to think more so of it as acts of THANKSGIVING TO HIM“.

BOOM. I was humbled. WHY?

I sometimes get tempted to think that the service, the meetings, being away from home … etc. etc. etc…are sacrifices that I am offering to God for His greater glory which is not bad in itself but I forget that whatever we do… GOD does not technically need. He could have called someone else ‘better’ but I believe He would rather have us offer our acts/sacrifices as praise and thanksgiving.


He blesses so much each and everyday …loves us and pursues us relentlessly, sometimes without us knowing and being oblivious to our surroundings. Each and every day, sacrifices for the greater good is part of what we do as Christians, leaders, family members, students, people in society, and what we celebrate each and every time we attend Mass… but… the ultimate sacrifice has been done… Jesus dying on the cross… so …God is happy with our sacrifices each day but I am now more inspired to offer each act, deed, prayer etc… as THANKSGIVING… because our God deserves our praises each and every second of our lives.

Let’s offer each guitar strum, late night practices/meetings, dollar, and many other things we posses as not just sacrifices but more so, THANKSGIVING to GOD.