Love Heals

We experience physical, emotional and spiritual challenges when we serve, but it is also through serving that we overcome these difficulties in life. We have to keep in mind, troubles and temptations are present in this world. God did not die on the cross so we do not experience tribulation but for our heart to keep the faith and remain hopeful despite the pain. Regardless if we are part of a community or not, actively serving or not, the good news is that God overcame the world and told us to take courage. For us, taking on the mission to evangelize, this is very important. We need courage to obey. Obedience can be hard and painful sometimes, if not most of the time. Hard and painful when it entails loving another person who wronged us or when it requires us to ask for forgiveness or to forgive people. Love hurts, but it is also through loving that the soul finds healing. God overcame the world because He loved us. So amidst the pain and discomfort, when we truly love, healing finds us.