In Hoc Signo Vinces

“In this sign you will conquer”

The person I was before was so afraid to pray in public. Servant evangelization was something I looked for ways out of. I would pretend to casually be brushing my forehead if I would say grace before meals at restaurants. I would be so ashamed to be Catholic. So embarrassed to love God enough to speak to Him.

I was blessed to spend the past two days at the Holy Cross grade 12 grad retreat as an alumni leader. It still surprises me how little God is talked about, how little about our faith is known, to teenagers – even those attending Catholic schools. And it worried me, the entire retreat, because I love my God and I want to serve my God, but how was I supposed to get it through to these youth? How can I get people who may not have a good relationship with God to trust me? To trust that when I say that God loves them unconditionally that I am telling the truth?

But truthfully, I can speak a million truths and perform a million selfless acts, but if I can’t bring it all back to my God, it is nothing. If I can’t acknowledge my God, I am nothing. It is only through prayer to Him that I am able to do His work. It is only through admitting my weakness and glorifying Him in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit that I can do wonders. It is only through this sign that I will conquer.