A Comeback

I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve quite enjoyed the last few of Justin Bieber’s latest releases. I wasn’t ashamed of it way back when he was a young Canadian boy taken under the wing of Usher some years ago, and I’m still not ashamed now. People are quick to harp on him because of everything he’s gone through and all the changes he’s had, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. Disclaimer: I’m not defending him or his actions in any way, nor am I endorsing how he chooses to live his personal life, but I’m just using his recent success to drive a point. 

So, why out of all people am I bringing up Justin Bieber. It’s a little bit of a far reach, but I’ll try to explain what was going on in my head while listening to one of his songs earlier.

Simply put, regardless of circumstance, I think we should always rejoice in the ‘comeback’s. In the SFC and/or CFC-Youth community it’s not uncommon for people to go inactive. Although more rare, it’s also not completely uncommon for those who are inactive to come back. I’m sure some of us who have been in this situation may have been told, or may have been the one to tell someone else who was inactive, “Whoaaa look who it is! You’re actually here!” – usually said when there’s been some sort of hiatus from the community and then one day that person shows up at an event. I think we should consider how these comments, extensions of our thoughts, can make that person feel. I’ve heard it shared from others that this can actually make them feel like they maybe shouldn’t come back, or just plain uncomfortable because it’s been made into such a big deal.

When we enter the confessional each time, it’s almost like that same comeback situation. It’s like hearing that catchy Justin Bieber song after he’s been m.i.a for awhile, or like that person we haven’t seen that decides to check in with the community again. The Lord is quick to rejoice, quick to forgive, and doesn’t question why you’ve ‘come back’. He is simple in his forgiveness, and the Lord doesn’t make a show out of it. He doesn’t create a huge scenario when you leave the confessional where the curtains open, a blinking sign over your head flashes “Forgiven!”, and trumpets sound with your list of penance.

I think when someone, in a sense, makes a ‘comeback’, we should rejoice in that fact. We should rejoice in the recommitment of others, in their attempts to try again, and their willingness to come back. Forget for a moment why they left, why they failed, or what lies in their past. Just be…a belieBER…hah, yeah I went there.