The Grand And Extravagant

I’ve always known myself to be fascinated by the grandeur of the cosmos and majesty of the universe. As early as elementary I remember loving to look out at the stars and imagine how far off each star is from our measly little planet. It was all just a little past time for me, something I enjoyed to do for fun, until I got to know the Lord. Now, every single time I look up at the night skies I can’t help but to see the Greatness of our God.

A simple conversion starter that I like to use is to ask people what their favourite scenery to look at is. Some people would mention that they like to look at the ocean, some would say mountains, and some would say nature. Although there are many more, I will just focus on these for the sake of keeping this post as short as possible. The reason I’m curious about something like that is  because it let’s me know two things about this person: 1) You can tell a lot about a person by knowing what scenery they find peace in seeing. 2) You can see how that person’s relationship with God is. Let me explain.

I can tell a lot about a person by knowing where they find peace. For example, if a person tells me they like to look at the ocean, I can tell that that person loves the sense of freedom, and is a calm, care free person. Or for those that loves to look at mountains, they are usually ambitious and strive to conquer the peaks of daily life. And for those that loves nature and forests, they tend to be adventurous, and loves to be out and about, experiencing new things. Now I’m not saying that every single person is like this, but this is how I see it when people tell me their favourite scenery. You may be a mixture of all of them or none of them, but nevertheless, it gives me a sense of the kind of person you are.

Secondly, just like how I can get the sense of who a person is by their favourite scenery, I can see how they view their relationship with God. An ocean lover sees God more in the peaceful and serene. The mountain lovers sees more of the greatness and power of the Lord. And a nature lover sees the playful and adventurous side of God. Once again, every person is different, and I’m not saying that this applies to every single person, but that I only use this as a starting point to get to know a person’s relationship with the Lord.

For me? I’ve always loved the grandeur and the extravagant. This translate into magnificent churches, or beauty of the universe. And I see God in all of this. As I write this I am taking in the simultaneous occurrence of the super moon and lunar eclipse. A rare sight to see. But when I stare at the immense magnitude of this celestial light show, I cannot help but hear the Lord say to me: Rocky, My son. I love you. Look at the moon and sun, how I move them for you. I will move heaven and earth to show you my love. 

As I sit and reflect on this, I cannot help but feel so loved, as if God Himself is courting me, trying to draw me to Him. You might think that it is weird for a man to allow himself to be courted, but this is how it must be. A man must let himself be courted by the Lord, in order to know the kind of love he must imitate when he goes on to court a woman. A man will never know how to show a woman the love of Christ if he does not allow himself to experience the love of our God.

The same would go for our women counterparts as well. Women, allow yourself to be courted by the Lord, so that you may know what kind of love you are to expect from a man. And once you’ve experienced it, do not settle for a love less than that. Because you deserve exactly that, the love of Christ.

Now I ask you to reflect on this: what kind of scenery do you love to behold? Where do you see God in this? Once you find that place where you see God, I urge you to allow our God work through it to court you to your hearts desire.

All the glory to God.