Move, Soul. Get up and pray.

You know that feeling when you lie in bed, and you just have this urge to move your legs? Apparently, the term is called “Restless Leg Syndrome” but a good friend of mine describes it as, “Your legs being constipated” which I still chuckle at to this day. How is the constipation analogy relevant? I’m not sure, I try to keep things entertaining sometimes.

I bring this up because that’s the state our souls should be in every single day of our lives (and no I don’t mean constipated, for all you wise guys out there). We should always be wanting to be spiritually active, and we should never feel rested that we just simply stop moving. Fundamentally, there is something missing in our lives. We are always yearning for something whether it be tangible or not. We yearn for air, food, new clothes, more money, social status, respect, identity, approval, love from others, and so on. But even if all those wants & needs are met, we still feel so unsatisfied. There is a God-shaped hole in our hearts that none of those things can fulfill permanently. We can try our best, but it’ll never be enough because we’ll always want more. Luckily, God is infinite and easily attainable. His Love is endless and when we finally acknowledge that He is what we should be filling ourselves with, then everything else just doesn’t matter as much anymore. We don’t occupy ourselves with what fills us temporarily, but turn towards what is already in us and nurture it.

“Our hearts are made restless, until they rest in You”

St. Augustine


Published by

Fred Balce

Just giving the Lord the opportunity to work in me.