Not About Us

Mark 12:28-34

God’s greatest commandments take us away from self-centeredness into selflessness. Only in this kind of mindset can we truly look at ourselves as someone meant for others.

When we start having the mindset that God dwells in us, we will start to understand that we are to live like Christ. Living like Christ is living for others. Living for others means all things we do, we do to make a difference in the lives of other people. It has never been only about us, it is about God in us. It has never been just about our emotions and feelings, that when we are hurt or in pain because of others we surrender. We go beyond it and ask, what can I do to lead the other to Christ? In doing so, we in fact gain more because by giving ourselves we received back a thousand fold.

For God it is all about us and for us it is all about Him. When this exchange of selflessness ripples through humanity, there will be no one in need because everyone thinks of the other first before themselves.