His Surprises!

The Lord truly (like X100000000) never fails to love us.

Last Saturday was just one of “His” moments. To begin with, I woke up late for work and I knew I didn’t have enough time but I still took quite a long shower and prepared my things including my dinner. In the midst of the panicking, I messaged my coworker saying that I’ll be late. I work part-time at St. Joseph’s Basilica as receptionist and on Saturdays, the shifts are 9-2, 2-7. I was working the latter shift. I got out of the house and went to the bus stop. Then all of a sudden, I see a family friend drove by, stopped and offered to give me a ride. At that point I was really amazed/happy/exhilarated/shocked. The Tita (who drove) even said that she doesn’t normally drive on that street where my bus stop is located so that even added to my amazement. I felt really blessed. I arrived just on time and I even had time to buy Starbucks before that (lol). The Lord is really our knight in shining armour who will save us, protect us no matter what. There were a lot of other surprising, caught-me-off-guard moments which really continues to assure me that HE IS HERE! That there’s no reason to hide/avoid Him when really everything around us, in this world is about Him, speaks of Him, and breathes life/present because of Him. I thank the Tita for being God’s instrument in that time of need and other individuals in the past who have been instruments of His love. Thank You Lord!

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13