Bloom where you are planted

I went to waterton for a day on the weekend. It was a fun and lovely nature trip. We saw everything from mountains, lakes, waterfalls and fields. We even saw a couple of bears and a deer. Indeed that trip was marvelous. One of the things I realized as I was up the mountain looking down on the waterfalls as the water hits the rocks below is that nature was beautiful. Created by God with their own purpose. The water, flows and goes places while the rocks and mighty and firm. The flowers bloom in spring and die in the winter and yet each of these creations despite their differences, each have their own purpose. One thing they have in common is they each do their tasks with ease. Flowers grow and die without effort. Mountains stand tall and rivers flow with grace. God made them for a reason and they serve their purpose every single day without worry.

So whether you are a rock, strong and mighty or like the river flowing or the flowers blooming, remember that God made you for a reason and that you are beautiful. Embrace your weakness and use your strength. God will not leave you. Whatever your do and wherever life may take you, just bloom where you are planted and glorify God always.