Jesus is not Lost

Two weeks ago, I heard one of the most amazing homilies!

Deacon Peter (at Merciful Redeemer Parish) was talking about how in Mark 16:15-20, Jesus calls us go out and proclaim the gospel, and do what it is that God put us on this earth to do. He compared it to the movie, Forest Gump.

“Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?”

“I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.”

During Deacon Peter’s homily, he said, “We don’t need to look for Jesus. He is not lost. If anyone is lost, it’s us.

What do you do when you are waiting for God? God gives us a yes, sometimes no. More often than not, he says wait. It’s God’s way of pacing us. He makes us wait not because he needs, it but we need it.

Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. The time of waiting can be a time to deepen our faith, not to put us in despair. It is in the waiting that our souls become cleansed.” 

In my reflection, I realized how impatient I am and how I much I always want to be in control. Even more now because of how crazy things have become at work. I’m still waiting to hear back on new job, and I get so antsy every time I think about it. I know that there’s nothing I can do to make them come to a decision any faster or make the processing of my application any faster. And it drives me crazy. But this homily was a great reminder that I need to stop stressing out, and instead, simply pray for patience and be still in Him. He has the upper hand on this one, and I just need to relax and enjoy the ride.