Mission and its Urgency

Da mihi animas caetera tolle: “Give me souls…take away all else!” (Salesian motto)

I am blessed to share “birthdays” with the Don Bosco, one of the prominent missionaries for the youth in history. It was no surprise then that Father spoke about him and the Salesians during the homily at Mass today.  This bold motto proposes a powerful mission: salvation of souls.  An enormous task that means setting our sights far apart from our personal concerns, and extend our focus on those far from the Church in order to lead them back to Christ.  A mission that is selfless.  A mission that is urgent.

Every day, the Lord challenges us to “take away” and “give”.  At times, I feel as though I have nothing left to give, whether time, resource, or love-wise.   But then the Lord reminds me that in giving away, I am finding something more precious than what I thought I held most dear: the experience of His unending mercy and love.  Priceless.  I am emptied to be filled again.  Filled to be poured out again.  When I have seemingly nothing, more than ever can I boast in having the Lord.  This is what keeps me moving when I “seemingly” have nothing left.

To be an effective missionary, one much give his/her soul entirely to the Lord…and proclaim the goodness of this reality, however counter-cultural it is,  throughout the end of the earth! Father said if one doubts his/her vocation, surrender it, go back, and refocus on who we are: a son or daughter of God, heirs of His promise.  Better be this than a half-hearted proclaimer.  The Lord made us sharers in His mission, and that His faithfulness will never end…If we hold fast to this reality, nothing can dissuade us from responding with boldness to the Call daily…and in big ways!

Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!