
Last weekend was Mountain Region’s Regional Youth Conference (MAY 9-10) with the theme of “Believe (John 20:28).” It’s been 2 years since I last served at RYC. The weekend was honestly a milestone for this region, more than 300 youth participated (I think this year had the biggest turnout so far). For me, amidst the challenges, I felt very blessed to serve at this RYC.
As one of the Promotions & Documentation Head, I definitely got scared at first. I didn’t know where to start. I served in this committee before but only as a member. Thankfully my counterpart knew how to make graphics for promotions and she took that role (I was the one posting on the social media accounts). Other challenges included finding our committee members because neither of us serves in YCOM, coming up with promo schedules, etc. I am not really the best techie person so it added an extra challenge for me. But God provides, equips. Eventually, our committee team formed, promo graphics were posted, committee meetings were ongoing, etc. Going into RYC, I was really nervous. I just didn’t know how the weekend would play out despite having the documentation schedule, if we’ll have enough cameras/SD cards, if people will actually take photos/videos, etc. There were a lot of uncertainties. The first day of RYC was definitely a challenge but praise God we got through. We were able to post pictures of session speakers, etc and the team really served their best. Despite setbacks, challenges, difficulties, I thank my team for serving with me especially my counterpart.
Another highlight of the weekend was leading the closing praisefest. Why? I was asked to lead worship at RYC before, 3 years ago (I think), but I rejected it. I felt like I wasn’t ready. I did feel some regret after so I said to myself that the next time I’ll be asked I’ll have no more hesitation and say YES! I had an inkling that they would ask me and so they did. For the exhortation, I was asked to share a moment in my life when I felt doubt. Right away I knew that I had to share what happened last year (the doubt of my service role which eventually led me to step down). As days became closer to RYC and especially moments right before, I was really REALLY really REALLY nervous. But I knew I had to let go of everything so that I can truly worship and praise Him. Surprisingly, with God’s spirit I was able to move around, jump while leading everyone. When I worship, I always like to move. Praisefest ended with “Live For You” which is ONE of my most favourite Liveloud songs. Overall it was such a great/powerful experience being in the stage leading everyone.
This RYC couldn’t have come at a better time when I’m still coping with what happened last year. One thing that I heard a lot this weekend was “God meets you at your doubts.” He did, He met me when I still didn’t know what to do. Though I’m struggling right now especially with the setback (mentioned 2 posts ago), I have full trust and I firmly believe that He will take me where He needs me to be and that He will always take care of me, of my doubts/failures, etc. During our RYC recollection, I realized that my experiences were similar in some ways to St. Thomas when he doubted Jesus. Being able to reflect on St. Thomas and my experiences gave me so much hope for the future. As long as I point myself to God, nothing can ever destroy me. God’s timing is always perfect, He allowed me to go back to CFC Youth and serve at the right time in my life. I just hope that this RYC will continue to inspire me even more in developing a deeper relationship with Him.

Big S/O to the event heads and PFO team for their tireless dedication, support and for really being accountable to each committee. The RYC Committee Meetings we had were long but looking back, those meetings were the backbone of the proper executions during RYC.

Thank you God for always loving us, me. Thank you for anointing us, me and calling us to serve You. I hope and pray that I’ll always choose and seek ways to love You.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13