The Sinner Veils

I recently started veiling.

There have been times where I would sin and feel so unworthy to wear the veil. But then, I also felt weird going into mass or adoration without it. So, I prayed, “Lord, I have sinned against you and I don’t feel worthy to veil myself. I also don’t feel worthy to walk into Your house without the veil. Please help me.” As I sat there in silence, the Lord said, “You are a sinner, my child, and my love for you will never end.”

As I reflected on this message, I realized that, in veiling and blocking your peripherals so you focus on God and your prayer, it’s even more reason for us sisters to veil because we are sinners. So our vision is narrowed and directed towards Christ, and we only see Him. Our desire for Him becomes overwhelming. It’s also humbling because in recognizing that you are a sinner, you lay down your pride and acknowledge that you need Him. 

Veiling has certainly allowed me to fall deeper in love with God and has planted this immense desire for Him <3