Wake up Lord, I need You

April 24-26, 2015 marked Red Deer & Ponoka’s second camp, Camp Rise. The Lord was so gracious and allowed us to reach out to 30+ youth; even some old members came to give their support. Praise God for such a fruitful weekend!

It’s been a few years since I was the assistant team leader for a camp. With everything going on at the same time (service in CFC-Youth and SFC, different volunteering areas, family, work), the few weeks leading up to the camp were pretty overwhelming. It was also a bit nerve wracking because this was my first time serving for a major event in a mission area. Arvin and I also found it challenging to meet with the service team since they were all from Red Deer, an hour and a half from Edmonton. Busy schedules with exams and extra-curricular activities resulted in incomplete service team meetings, but again, the Lord is so good! Despite these challenges, the camp was incredibly successful. Each member of the service team surprised me with how much they stepped out of their comfort zones to glorify God. Even the quietest one was able to give a talk. The thing that had the biggest impact on me was at the end, when the service team was sharing their experiences. One sister mentioned something about being a “fool for God”. I’ve heard this phrase so many times growing up in this community, and I don’t think I ever fully realized what this meant.

Being a “fool for God” means stepping out of my comfort zone, not just to the edge before actually crossing the line. I think, for a long time, I haven’t been able to fully step beyond the little line I drew for myself. With new opportunities calling me to actually take a step outside, I begin to feel my heart beat a little bit faster and the tears start to well up, more out of nervousness and fear than anything. How do I be a fool for God? How do I release the insecurities that are embedded deep to fully allow God to be glorified?  I don’t want to step out… but I know that every step outside my familiar shelter is an increase in trust in God and a chance to grow.

This quote from St. Augustine has been something that I’ve been reminding myself of in these recent overwhelming moments:

“When your heart is stirred up don’t allow yourself to be swamped by the waves. If, nevertheless, the wind blows us over – for we are only human – and if it stirs up the bad feelings in our hearts, let us not despair. Let us wake up Christ so as to continue our journey on a peaceful sea.” – St. Augustine