I Want You to Know

When people meet me for the first time, they sometimes say that I’m generally a very outgoing, self-confident, and joyful person. However, I wasn’t always like this. Specially when I was in high school. I was very insecure and was very dependent on the opinions of others. I was very focused on myself. Maybe it’s because i’m a middle child and had middle child syndrome or the fact that I was a brat and only felt loved when I got what I wanted. LOL it’s probably a combination of both of those and others. Whatever the case may be, I am grateful to say that i’ve gone a long way since then. I am still a middle child maybe without the syndrome. I’m not as bratty as I used to be (hopefully lol). I still do have insecurities, but the biggest change is that I am now very dependent on God’s opinion over everything else.

My relationship with the Lord has become my most important relationship in my life. As long as I continue to allow the Lord to pursue and love me, I will continue to learn more about myself. It is through that I can be more of the person He has created me to be. The closer I get to God, the closer I can be my true and real self and the closer I will be to becoming a saint.

Lord I pray that I may grow more and more dependent on You.