He Chose Us

A while ago, I was at the rehearsal for a family friend’s daughter’s confirmation. I am one of her godparents. When I asked to be one, I said yes but I didn’t realize the blessing and privilege to be part of someone’s confirmation since this is my first time. As the rehearsal progressed, we practiced singing different songs and one of them I heard for the first time said “God has chosen us.” I got drawn to it. Everytime I’m drawn to something, the wheels of my mind start turning (over thinker life, haha). I realized that He chose me to be a godparent for this girl through the blessing of the girl’s parent. It also made me realize about my CFCYouth service and MV Program. See, for the past weeks, I have been busy with school that I neglected CFCYouth service (RYC, camp stuff) and MV things (my blog). I struggle with time management, a lot.

But hearing and singing those lyrics, “God has chosen me,” reminded me that even though I made mistakes, neglected service, even prayer time, The Lord still chooses to love me, to remind me that He cares for me through my family, friends and through His wonderful creation. “God has chosen me,” this also made me reflect on my MV journey so far. He could have chosen someone else, someone who’s better in time management but He chose me (not to brag about it) so I can only respond and trust in Him even more. I’ll always make mistakes, stumble and fall but every single time He will still choose me and come after me because He loves me.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

One thought on “He Chose Us”

  1. I’ve been late with my blogs too, Arvin, and I’m also not the best at time management. :'(((( Thank you for this beautiful reminder that I am also still chosen by God. God bless you bro! Praying for you, your service, and that we both are able to manage our time better!

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