Greatest Love

The Cross

As Catholics, today is very meaningful and humbling day of our faith, of the entire Church. Today is the day we commemorate the tremendous loving sacrifice Jesus, the Son of God, offered to all of us, when He died on the cross as reparation for all of our sins. Today is “Good Friday” because by the bad physical suffering Jesus did, we, the children of God, are bestowed upon a good future, future with God in heaven.

Jesus obeyed His father, allowed Himself to suffer because of His love for us. But have we been obedient? Have I been obedient? I know for a fact that I’m not always obedient. Good Friday is definitely a good time to reflect on our lives, most especially our relationship with the Lord. Have we been keeping up with our prayer time, with our scripture reading, with adoration, etc.? Are we obedient and loving to our parents, siblings, friends, CFC Youth leaders and CC’s, co-workers, etc.? I know I’m not always doing those things above (and many more). I know I have failed. I was born a sinner, all of us but that’s why God send forth His only beloved Son to the world for us to be reminded that there’s hope for eternal happiness and joy.

I once heard a SFC brother say that Jesus is like a coupon, a coupon for redemption. It is true. Jesus is truly the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life.

“No one comes through the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

When we’re down, sad, frustrated, angry, or hopeless, remember (and never forget) Jesus’ suffering because by His wounds we are forever healed. By His humility, we are brought to life. By His Cross, our crosses are lifted to God.

So always look to Jesus, ask Him to guide you embrace your crosses daily. “Remember that when the world hates you, know that it hated ME first.” Because all of the rejections we face today, Jesus experienced all of them yet He chose to embrace and forgive all the rejections, temptations and pray to His father.

YOU WANT TO REACH HEAVEN? Let’s pray to increase our dependence to Jesus.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13