Movies and why we love them so much

I am extremely fond of movies, and I’m willing to bet that quite a lot of you are as well. The thing is, when I’m asked what my favorite movie is, I found myself rattling my brain for an answer. I think to myself “oooh, Avengers was the best action movie of all time! but I really liked Finding Nemo.” As it turns out, I have a favorite movie for pretty much every genre.

I pondered on my love of movies a bit more and asked myself as to why I like them so much. It comes down to one thing. I love good story telling. I wanted my imagination entertained. I wanted to experience what it’s like to be a super hero, or a fish father finding his son. I realized that watching, listening, experiencing stories is attached to my fundamental need to how to relate to life better.

Story telling is an amazing tool that Jesus used to help us relate to life better too! Jesus told parables, also known as basic story telling. Each and every single one of those stories helped me relate to every aspect of my life. An example is the Prodigal Son. Every time I hear that story, I play a little movie in my head where I’m the son that left the father. I feel the shame of returning empty handed, and I feel the love that my father has when I return.

Every story that I get to experience has a personal effect on me. Every story Jesus told, and even His life story, helped me personalize God’s love a bit more, and I hope it does for you guys too! I implore you guys to find your favorite parable Jesus told, and put yourself as the main character. More importantly, what is God trying to tell you through that story.

May God be Praised!
Alejandro Beltran
CFC-Youth Mission Volunteer