First of many

Last March 14-15 was my first service assignment since officially serving again with the CFC Youth community as an MV. Together with the mission heads and a co-MV (Lara), we conducted General Assembly, Household Leader’s Training and Youth Camp Training at Red Deer/Ponoka Mission Area. I was nervous but very excited to embark on this assignment. It was definitely a jam-packed weekend. But I was really amazed at the dedication of the youth because those serving for their upcoming camp were there since the general assembly on Saturday up to the youth camp training on Sunday (none of them missed any sessions/talks).

Before the weekend, Lara and I knew that would be leading their upcoming camp. There was fear but there was no hesitation in my part because I knew that I wanted to serve again (that’s why I applied to be an MV). We got to know the Red Deer service team through fellowship (especially playing the Human Knot Game) and through sharings especially after the “State of our Hearts” talk. Lara and I also led the discussion of camp name, verse, communal prayer time and fasting. I was in awe of the verses they mentioned. Eventually, we decided to name the camp “Camp Rise” from Micah 7:8 (“when I fall, I shall rise”, NRSV).

That weekend, we were also able to visit St. Mary’s Parish. I noticed that it looks the same as the Precious Blood Parish in Winnipeg (NLS, 2010). The parish is really beautiful, gave me much joy. Visiting that parish is definitely God’s gift.

Overall, the weekend was the first of many more service opportunities and I can’t wait to see what more the Lord has in store. With Red Deer, I know that the Lord will truly bless this mission area (especially their upcoming camp) because of the hearts that are willing to serve Him.

Published by

Arvin Amo

Higher Calling | Deus Caritas Est "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13