Class of 2015.

As I was going through my Facebook feed today, all I noticed were photos of my friends graduation photos. I couldn’t help but feel a little blue and think “that could’ve been me” and suddenly all this doubt went through my mind thinking of how different my life would have turned out if ever I ended up graduating in my program, Early Childhood Education this April – man, was I excited to start applying for Teachers College right after..

But that’s the thing, we can always imagine and try to predict what will happen tomorrow, or the next few days, weeks, months from now.. there will always be that change that comes unexpectedly. As I went through that 1 minute of slight emotional fallback, I failed to realize how much He has blessed me aside from allowing me to graduate on time.

This one year semi-hiatus from school made me value my (career) vocation even more. I’ve had my times of set backs, and I doubted my own abilities, but one thing the Lord continued to tell me is that, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” (Psalm 32:8).  I focused so much of my time with my family and service – especially in Kids for Christ, it truly affirmed me that this was something I wanted to continue doing. To teach.

It’s a long road ahead but it’s something I’m ready to start climbing, running and trekking for. At the end of it all, I’m SO happy for my friends and colleagues I’ve met within the past three years who are graduating. I know with their vast knowledge and experience, they will do great things that will inspire and aspire those around them… Especially the children of tomorrow.

Lord as for me, I am looking forward to this next step in my life, and I look forward in doing what I like to do the most, help children and families’ needs. Whether it be in the educational field or through mission. The Lord is funny and mysterious that way! I can only wait and see where He places me.

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9