Hey, It’s Me Again

I understand that during this time of penance, You desire to call me everyday. Despite my laziness, pride, unwillingness to be a witness, You still show me the way You love me at the end of the day.

I’m not gonna lie, I feel really overwhelmed with everything that has happened in the last few weeks, Lord. Seems like everything is taking a different turn all of a sudden…and I find myself nit picking at everything I am doing wrong. I find myself backing into a corner asking myself why did I say this, why did I do this, why did this happen this and that…You must be molding. If so, please grant me the perseverance and humility I need to co operate.

Thank for sending me an affirmation though that I am growing into a more adult relationship with You. Thank You for the gifts of the sacraments. Thank You for Your mother who I am learning about everyday through devotion.

Anyways, I just wanted to let You know that I am thankful for the life you’ve given me. The people you’ve sent on my path in this life.  Please allow me to continue to serve in this community, in my parish, in my family. Despite what is going on, I know there is a greater glory ahead for me to give back to You. I love You. Help me to love like You.
