
“It would be a complete waste if I don’t use my blessings wisely”

Not even 10 minutes ago, I blurted out this statement…. but probably not in a way that you would expect. Haha.

To give a little more background, I’m a gamer. I enjoy playing games. Video games, card games, board games, you name it!

Much like any recreational hobby, it doesn’t serve much purpose other than self enjoyment, and amusement.

I had just realized that it’s amazing how the Lord can still use these things to communicate with us, and to help us realize His love for us!

So earlier, I was playing on my iPad. The game I was playing was Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. It’s a digital collectible card game. (as a card game and video game enthusiast, this is a terrible weakness for me. Haha)

While in a match, I had the option of playing cards that would give me an advantage early on, but would be best used later on where they would be more effective.

hearthstone*I had 2 of these cards in my hand*

Rather than using the cards, I simply said “It would be a complete waste if I don’t use my blessings wisely”

Mind = blown

Immediately, I conceded the match, turned off my iPad, and decided to write this reflection.

Truly, God is trying His best to reach out to all of us in any way possible. He leaves hints here and there, and sometimes we fail to see it in the busyness of our lives. But when we finally realize it, there’s just those moments where you just want to drop everything you have, and just be in awe of His love, and to share it with others.

We are so blessed, and the Lord still continues to bless us!

I encourage you all to really embrace these blessings, because they are a gift from our loving God! Use them wisely, and don’t let them go to waste!