Love in action

“Fear the Lord and keep His law; that is what Wisdom is all about.  You may know everything there is to know about wickedness, but that does not make you wise.” –Sirach 19:20-22

Lately the Lord has been reminding me that every day in Mission is only successful if it was lived in faithfulness and obedience.

  • Serving God despite feelings of unworthiness.
  • Committing to prayer even when in dark night (#stjohnofthecross). 
  • Believing and stepping out in faith, even when you really don’t know (#hopemore).
  • Cooperating with the Lord in correcting that “one sin”.

To do little things with great love. To be wise is to make action of what He has spoken to us out of love.   Ever since the injury to my knee, the Lord is still teaching me what it means to take every (literal) step…with the intentional purpose of loving the way Christ did (#hard). It feels impossible, but daring against all odds to do so is what makes a Missionary. Being a disciple is truly the work of the Spirit. Strength of man fails, but grace ends up being enough at the end of every mission.

It may be easier to gravitate towards “woe-is-me” when things get difficult in Mission (whatever that may be for each person), but it’s only in marching our own Passion and bearing our own Cross that we will leave the mark of Christ (Love) in the world.

Lord, help me to love more. #simple

Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!