Heart to Heart


I think having a heart to heart moment with God is when you say yes to something despite all your worries and fears. A moment of honesty with God when you pour your heart out to Him and he allows you to feel just how much he Loves you.

A few days ago I got a call from Tito George for my endorsement for full time work… to be honest I never thought the call would come. I’ve never really seen myself as the best candidate to be endorsed, when I have a one on one with kuya Kevin I would never fail to voice out my concerns, and I remember this one time at a restaurant kuya Gelo even asked me if I could picture myself as a full-time worker and said “not really”.

Needless to say I was very surprised.

I’ve always pictured how it would feel like when I would receive the call, that all my fears and anxieties would flood my mind and it did. I thought about the future, my school debt, pensions, mortgages, and every possible thing that would hold me back from embracing the endorsement.

I realized at that moment that I’m not made up of my anxieties and worlds expectations of me. My purpose is not to please everyone but only one person, God.

I said yes to the endorsement and I’ve never been happier saying yes to something in my entire life. I thanked Tito George and I told him that I trust in the Lord and His plan for me.

The real me was happy and joyous that I got endorsed. Who am I kidding I’m a romantic, to be Loved is all I’ve ever desired and God has always Loved me. He chooses me, calls me, and Loves me every single day.

I told my parents this morning and I’m not going to lie it wasn’t the easiest conversation to have but in the end they support me and they are proud that I’m passionate about pastoral work. I need no more affirmation than that.

I think this is the Lord giving me a wake up call. That I should give more of myself and try harder in being a better mission volunteer. I don’t think i’ll ever be worthy but the Lord calls me anyways so I will strive to be better for Him.

At the end of the day I don’t know whats going to happen to me but I trust in God and the community that led to have a relationship with Him.

Praise God and thank you for reading.

Published by

Niccolo Arboleda

A hopeful romantic who finds true Love in Jesus Christ.