Love, Comfort and Patience in Delay

Last weekend, I went with a few friends to Victoria to oversee their Youth Camp. We slept over at one of my friend’s house because we’re taking the 7am ferry the next day. We had an early start to our day as we woke up to get ready and left the house at 5:45am. Nothing can shake our excitement of going to the island for the mission. We docked in Swartz Bay terminal a little over half past 8. Then we headed straight to Sooke, where the campsite is located. The brothers and us, the sisters, were separated in two cars. Oh man, I remember that feeling being in the car with Hannah and Lozel. Though I battled the car ride with a half awake mind and body, I knew that we were all excited to arrive at the venue. Until something unforeseen happened.

The weather wasn’t exactly perfect especially for a ride that required going uphill. Just 30 minutes away from the venue, we started having car difficulties and the roads were all icy and slippery. We tried to go back to take a different route, only to find out we were being led to the same route we were on the first time. Even worse, the car started producing noises that didn’t sound normal. So normally, a car full of sisters, we got so worried. There was a point when we pulled up to the side of the road, popped open the hood of the car, and stared at it cluelessly. Then we decided to go back to the city and have it checked. On the way back, we prayed the rosary. The first place we went to couldn’t accommodate us so we had to go further into the city. Right after we finished the rosary, Hannah comforted the car jokingly, as if telling it that everything is going to be okay. After a few seconds, the unusual sounds disappeared. We couldn’t believe it. We decided to have it checked still just in case. And true enough, the mechanic said there was nothing wrong with the car.

Now what did I learn from this experience? Patience most definitely. I couldn’t understand why we had to take the earliest ferry only to find out we would arrive at the venue 3 hours later than our expected time. I didn’t understand the purpose of the delay. But it is in my lack of understanding that the Lord just told me, “Be at peace.” Trusting in the Lord means finding comfort in Him even when we don’t know what He’s up to. So the whole time, I was just allowing the Lord to love and comfort me.

And this is how I felt His love.

  • The two sisters I was with – I have grown in my relationship with them, Lozel being my household head and Hannah as my mentor. I knew it was inevitable for us to get to know each other but I didn’t expect I would allow myself to love them this much and allow myself to be loved in return. Journeying with them for the past year, has definitely made me go out of my introverted self by sharing with them my victories and crosses. Although I spent good conversations with them individually, I think the Lord wanted to bring us 3 together to allow me to feel the joy of sisterhood and the fruits of friendship rooted in Christ. #UStheTrio #DCTalk3 #FriendsForLife #3speakersession #pyramid
  • The sunshine – the Lord knows I hate winter and the cold. But there was a certain beauty I witnessed when the sun shone on the snow covered ground, when the light peeked in between the trees, when the light created soft colors in the sky, and when the warmth melted the ice on the ground. It gave me hope. It reminded me that it is  the Lord that illuminates and brings out beauty even in places or situations I don’t expect.
  • Mama Mary – Devoting myself to her through the rosary has lifted a weight from my chest in total surrender that she will take care of all that I have; my possessions, my crosses, my merits, my virtues. When the car miraculously got fixed after we prayed the rosary, I smiled because I knew she was taking care of us. Now I don’t know exactly why the delay happened the way it did but I felt comforted when I thought of Mama Mary praying for us to save us from something that could possibly have happened on the road. I’d like to think that she delayed us so the sun can melt the ice.

We arrived at the venue safely and the weekend was very fruitful and filled with love. But the journey up there is something I will never forget.

Thank You Lord for the detours and delays You allow me to experience in life. Thank You most especially for the many ways You comfort me and allow me to still feel Your love. I pray that I may never get tired, never get blinded and never forget Your love for me. Pray for me, dear Mother, that I may be worthy of the promises of Christ.