God Loves You

It’s all about God’s Love. Everything we do, everything we are, is Him. It’s important to pray consistently to drink from His Love. It’s important to read scripture every day to know more of His love for us. It’s important to partake in the Sacraments to be completely consumed by His love. God loves us and we must start there before daring to even do anything or be anything. Only when we are convicted of God’s love for us can we fulfill the two greatest commandments to love Him back and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

What I love about my “job” as a full-time pastoral worker is that I only need to focus on those two commandments. Everything else follows. To be a full-time worker is to be completely open to His love so much that all you want to do next is love Him back. We do this concretely by loving His other children, our brothers and sisters, for whatever we do to the least them, we do to Him (Mt. 25).

“God loves you” is something we should never tire of hearing. Every moment we live, in all our joy and suffering, God is saying “I love you”. He holds nothing back from us. Satan wants us to think so, but it is not true. God our Father has given us everything through His Son. We lack nothing because we have Christ.

Imagine if you gave away all that you own, your house, clothes, food, family, friends, everything! Imagine how vulnerable you would be. God has given us everything, He gave us His only Son. He has made himself vulnerable to us and wants us all to Himself. He wants our love and He has done everything to prove that. He is madly in love with us and wants us to know that. We are His bride and wants us to be married to Him for eternity. The reason why no one will no longer be married in Heaven (Mk. 12) is because earthly marriage is only a sign of the one true marriageĀ of Christ and His bride, the Church, which is us!

How great is His love for us!