Prayer for Peace

“All agitation is destructive of good. All calm is constructive of good, and at the same time destructive of evil. When man wants evil destroyed so often he rushes to action. It is wrong. First be still and know that I am Good. Calm is trust in action. Only trust, perfect trust can keep one calm. Never be afraid of any circumstances or difficulties that help you to cultivate this calm. As the world, to attain, has to learn speed, you, to attain, have to learn calm. All great work for Me is done first in the individual soul of the worker.” 

Upon reading this, I remember all the times I have prayed for peace… peace for a country, peace in a specific situation, peace in relationships surrounding me, peace here and peace there. And although with good intention, we can often forget true peace begins from the person yearning and praying for it. To allow it to enter those around us, we must carry Peace in our heart, and be a true source of Him to others. And in this, I remember the wise words of a mentor…

“When we pray for something, God does not just give it to us. He brings us moments and opportunities to receive them and grow in them.”

Lord, may You mold our hearts to lead us in Truth in bringing Your Peace into this world…