Protect the Call

God's Message

Protecting the Call: Fearlessly and joyfully journeying with one another as a “Missionary Family“. 

And they called to the blind man, saying to him: “Take heart; get up, he is calling you.” So throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus. – Mark 10: 49-50

I am officially home after being in Toronto for the Eastern Mission Volunteers SHout. A much needed retreat, launching us into the hype of Jesus’ Exposition prep month. For a week, I lived in a house full of Aspiring Missionaries from Eastern Canada (Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa), which included a big eclectic group of sisters and two patient brothers (not inlcuding the 2 “fire cracker” FTPWs). I left the SHout House with an ever-desperate “Yes, Lord“, an affirmation of my region’s charism of being “thinkers”, and a hand delivered message from a sister with “psychic powers” aka a sister with the gift of prophecy (charismatic gift, win).

The Eastern MV Batch of 2013, aka “Fearless Batch“. The Lord spoke intimately to each and every single one of us at SHout. You read their blogs. But I also pray that you may personally invite them to share their messages with you: Jesse. Apple. Mier. Chrisann. Nica. Thea. Lara. Kris. Amee. Hannah and Erin. Joyful servants (high energy dancing, “à la max”). Wounded songbirds (Still healing, but still called to heal others). Resilient brothers (a death in the family, and caring for 11 sisters is a Great Teacher for that). Healers, Protectors, Messengers. All amazing witnesses of God’s love.

May the Lord protect the Call that you have received during SHout (whatever that may be). We are down the mountain and our perseverance in the every day (especially during ETNC busyness) will be tested. Just in the past 4 days following SHout, it’s been clear that “the struggle is real”:

  • To those that are disheartened with the Lord’s timeliness: The Lord knows your every desire. If it’s not now, it’s later. If it’s not this Call, it is another. Regardless…(Psalm 37:3-4).
  • To those that are feeling overwhelmed by visions and mission passion“: “Order” your emotions and “passions” (CCC 1768). Sit and contemplate. Remain steadfast in your prayer time.
  • To those that are afraid to openly share their past and present hurts to others: You are more than just a “worker” in this community. The Lord has set you free (Luke 4:18) to proclaim your story of God’s victory to others. #woundedsongbirds
  • To those that are caught up in restlessness and anxiety with how to answer the Call: Rest in Him. (Thanks, Neeks.)

Lord, prepare our hearts to receive the Joy of the Mission you have for us. There isn’t a more joyful journey than continuing to discern for God’s will with one another. As Disciples of Christ, we were never meant to journey alone. I look forward to seeing what He has planned for our Missionary Family, beyond our batch. A prayer I’ve been uttering since Almighty 2012: Lord, unite us. We are One in You. Continue to bring us (all MVs and FTPWs) closer as Protectors of CFC-Youth Canada’s Call in bringing others to the True North which is Christ. AMDG.

(Prayer to Mary, Perfect Disciple of Christ): Oh Mary, you are rightly called blessed, for you received God’s Son in your virginal womb. But you are more blessed because, as a disciple of the Incarnate Word, you eagerly sought to know God’s will and faithfully carried it out. Help us to imitate you in receiving the saving word of God, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit it may speak to us in our daily lives and bring forth a rich harvest of holiness. Thus, we may be true disciples of Christ, eagerly hearing his words and putting them into practice. 

Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at

2 thoughts on “Protect the Call”

  1. So much colour! So much goodness! Praise God! I miss MV SHouT now..
    “There isn’t a more joyful journey than continuing to discern for God’s will with one another.” 🙂
    I honour you sistah!

    1. Yes, Jesus Exposition :’) We’ll see everyone together again soon. Brother, I honor you for your zeal for service despite these trying times with your family. God bless you and keep you!

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