73 Days

73 Days

The last time I came before the Lord in praise, worship and glory was 73 days ago.

At the beginning of this year I handed down the role of Area Head for CFC-Youth Montreal to John Magtibay, and although I’m now officially recognized as a Mission Volunteer for CFC-Youth Canada, these past few months have been spent in a sort of spiritual isolation.

Since I don’t currently have an official service role yet here in Montreal, I haven’t been attending regular events since they’ve all conflicted with my work schedule. On top of that, other scheduling issues have prevented me from attending SFC events as well. The last gathering I was fortunate enough to attend was an upper household in mid-February, which was the last time I experienced praise & worship.

I know that there are many other ways that the Lord can choose to reveal Himself to me, and I know that there are other ways in which I can share and express the blessings in my life with others, but as I’m sure is the case with many other CFC-Youth’ers, praise & worship has become very dear to my prayer life. I’d be lying if I said that this period of time has been easy on me, especially since I’ve been hearing so many great stories from ILC in the Philippines, but I trust that the Lord always finds a purpose for our suffering.

I really don’t know how the Lord will speak to me the next time I’m lucky enough to worship him with my fellow brothers and sisters in this community, but I know that I shouldn’t have any expectations. If anything, this period of isolation has allowed my perspective to be refreshed, which I’m hoping will allow the Lord to uncover for me something in my life that I may have been oblivious to in the past.

Right now I can say that I’m experiencing a beautiful desperation to meet the Lord in glory, and I hope this attitude is something I’ll be able to adopt fully not only in my worship life, but in all ways I choose to serve the Lord.

– Jesse R.