
Jesus is the Utimate Authority of my life. 🙂

“Answer me.” – Mark 11: 29, 30

This morning… And all week actually, I’ve been having a hard time waking up. I’ve had a set of unanswerable Questions causing a ruckus in my brain. It’s like someone’s perpetually blasting an obnoxiously loud Wu Tang song (*explicit* watch out) in my head. The Questions blare and many, multiple possible (?) Answers flash back. This is restlessness; one that delays my mornings by an hour, paints worry on my face as I go throughout the day, and keeps me up at night to repeat the same cycle the next morning. Think I need a breather.

In my prayer time today, the Lord brought me to the Gospel (Mark 11:27-33). It is there that Jesus answered my Questions by asking me just One: “Who is the authority of your life?” Or what… Is it pride? The obvious answer is “You, Jesus, duh.” You walk with me, and guide me through all “crooked roads” (Luke 3:5). However, much like the chief priests, scribes, and elders, I’ve really been having a hard time simply admitting that I am failing to recognize Jesus as the Ultimate Authority, in my life. Although we can easily profess this answer to ourselves and to others, the degree of conviction in fully living out this answer in reality ressembles the stalemate answer we encounter at the end of the passage: Really…”We do not know.” (Mark 11:33)

The authorities in the Gospel today came to Jesus with their guns blazing, but with us, Jesus is persistently patient. Every day, He invites us through Questions (a proper examination of our lives) to come to Him with clarity, decisiveness, humility, sincerity and profundity of heart to tell Him: “I know I don’t have all the answers right now, but I do know that I have You. You are the One Certainty, the One Authority, the Guiding Principle of my life.” Recognizing Jesus as the Ultimate Authority is a call for further obedience. Get up, and just live for Me. The second is a call for further devotion. I am walking with you. Draw closer to Me. And just know.. I am the Answer to all things.

Praise God.

(Inspired by Psalm 19) Lord, Your Law is perfect. Your decree is trusworthy. Your precepts are right. Your command is clear. Your statutes are true. Though we cannot see it fully at times, how Beautiful and Glorious is the Order you have placed in our lives and in all of creation! Not by our own understanding, but through Your Spirit… Guide us to Your Word, which is Truth and Answer to all things. Allow us to joyfully trust in You as the Ultimate Authority of our lives. Amen.

Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at

One thought on “Questionz”

  1. Praise God!! I love the interaction with your posts (the hyperlinks) I think I mentioned that before. s/o to Wu-Tang hahaha

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